Baby Fever Part 2

As I flipped the pregnancy test over, my hands went numb from anxiety. Taking a deep breath, I looked at myself in the mirror and whispered, It’s okay.Whatever it is – negative or positive- we still have each other. We can always try again, and if this doesn’t work out, we can consider adoption.

Man, I really want this to be positive.

Okay, time to look at the results.

There they were- two pink lines, clear as day. Still, I found myself doing a triple take because I couldn’t believe it. I had always imagined I’d burst into tears like the people in vlogs do when they record their reactions, but I didn’t. Instead, I felt a whirlwind of emotions all at once – excitement, overwhelming joy, and sheer terror.

It worked. It really worked.

I ran to the bedroom, where my husband was still sleeping. Shaking him awake, I said, “Babe, wake up, please! I have to tell you something… You’re going to be a daddy.”

He looked at me, mumbled, “Cool,” and went right back to sleep.

Normally, I might have been a little annoyed, but I understood. He was exhausted, and we had a long drive ahead of us- he needed his rest.

But we were going to have a baby! My head was swimming with excitement- I couldn’t wait to tell our parents. The only trickywas that we were going on vacation with my side of the family, which meant asking my parents to keep it quiet until I reached 12 weeks. That was not going to be easy!

We got up, got ready, and climbed into the car for the four- hour drive. It felt like forever, but the entire way, Mark and I were over-the- moon excited and absolutely terrified. We were finally going to be parents- something we had waited so long for. And now, it was really happening.

I contacted my doctor right away, but since it was the weekend, it took a little while to hear back. When they finally called, they informed me that I needed a blood test to confirm it was a viable pregnancy. That meant once we got back, I had to go in- and figure out how to take time off work without letting them in on the fact I was pregnant.

I really didn’t want to tell anyone besides our parents until I hit 12 weeks, just in case something happened. God , I hoped nothing would happen. But you just never know- especially with this being my first pregnancy, I didn’t know what to expect.

The week with my family came and went. Mom and Dad struggled to keep our little secret, but they did it! It wasn’t easy, but I was so grateful they respected our wishes.

First thing Monday morning, I went to my lab appointment, and it was confirmed- I was indeed pregnant!

Hope you enjoyed my fertility Journey.




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