Good Evening, Lovelies!
I have been up since 6 AM. Who’s a morning person, and who’s a night owl? LOL. I used to be a night owl, but seven years ago, when my husband and I got our new jobs (back before kids), I switched to being a part-time morning person. With my husband’s new job, he had to be at work for 6 AM, so I wanted to start my weekdays by getting up with him and actually spending time together before he left. At that point, that was the only time we saw each other or had time to catch up!
Then our kids came along and I’ve never been happier that I made the switch to early bird. Most of you are probably thinking, ” Oh yeah, I could never,” but let me tell you- when you become a parent, you’re up throughout the night, and the bright and early the next morning, they wake up ready to start the day like they didn’t even get up at night!
Everybody- well, maybe not everybody, but most people who want kids- don’t realize that things do change. Not everything, but a lot. Date nights get harder to come by. Then you’re trying to find couple friends with kids who understand if you need to cancel last minute because your sitter bailed or a kid is sick. Hanging out with your single friends can be harder too, because you start to drift apart – not to the point of stopping your friendship, but your lives look different. And when you do get together, you don’t want to talk only about the kids, but sometimes that’s all you can talk about because you’re a stay- at- home mom.
Yes, things get harderafter having kids- plans change, date nights are rare, and friendships evolve. But even with the chaos, the sleepless nights, and the last-minute cancellations, I wouldn’t trade this life for anything. The love, laughter, and pure joy my kids bring make every challenge worth it. Watching them grow, hearing their little giggles, and experiencing the unconditional love of being their mom is something I wouldn’t give up for the world.